Jessica, you have showed me a good meaning of a bestfriend. We got along so quick. We share the same feelings, understand eachother, and are there for eachother when needed the most. I never imagined us talking, straight up. I just saw you as another regular girl on facebook. Till high school came along and I had you for classes. I remember like the third day of school, I was loner and you were there to be with me, without evening knowing who i was. What a beautiful heart you have, no lie. Having sleepovers at your house are the best. I like when we have our moments when we'll both cry together, or when we feel like the happiest girls on the planet. You are such an amazing friend, I swear. I'm happy I met you. Know that I'm more than sure im gonna be the friend that makes you realize that there some real people out there, where you can say " She's One True Friend". I'm always gonna be here for you. i love you And I made this beautiful video for youu ! lol i tried